This post shows pictures of the cute cupcakes that I made for the egg hunt. My Mom usually buys mini cupcakes for the kids, but this year asked me if I would make them. She found these cute Icing Nests with Jellybeans by Wilton at Walmart.

Here is a close-up of them. Sorry for the blurry picture. I was rushing... I made the cupcakes the morning of the egg hunt. At this point, I was running behind AND I had a super tired and grouchy baby that only wanted me to hold him.

These were great for decorations, but were not a very big hit. The kids seemed to like them, but but I'm not sure that they all ate them. The adults seemed to pick them off. Some ate the jellybeans, but most thought the icing was pretty hard. I love the idea of it. I'm sure I could make my own... and then maybe the icing would be easier to eat. I plan to try next year.
While at Wegman's last weekend, I found these Easy Frost cans by Pillsbury. They are also a super neat idea!! It did save me a ton of time. I didn't have to make icing or fight with icing from a can. I thought that these were a little hard to use. It's the same kind of frosting that you buy in a can/tub from the store, only these are like whipped cream cans. I frosted 26 cupcakes (6 regular size and 20 mini) and by the end, my finger was hurting. I think the frosting is a little thick to use a can like this. The frosting was delicious, and it did help make frosting go faster.

Here are my 12 regular sized cupcakes. I used a boxed mix for the cupcakes. I didn't have enough time to make these from scratch. The box was a spring time mix that had a packet of pink and blue sprinkles that you mix in. Very festive.

Here are my 20 mini cupcakes.
I took 2 containers (1 for each cupcake size) and came home with all cupcakes fitting into 1 container. They were a pretty big hit. Between the cupcakes and the brownies, I think everyone's sweet tooth was satisfied! :)