This is a picture of the cake crumbs mixed with the frosting. I was almost done rolling them into balls when I remembered to take pictures!
I thought I would try and do something a little different... I tried to smush some of the cake into one of my candy molds. I know that isn't what they are for, but I thought it was worth a try. Please take my advice... don't put the cake directly into the mold. Fill the mold with chocolate and then put the cake in. Maybe even spray it will Pam or something first. I had a VERY hard time getting the cake out of the mold. Problems included ruining the designs the mold made in the cake and cracking a mold trying to get the cake out. They make silicon molds for this reason.
Here are the cake balls in my fridge.
The chicks use little "kisses" in yellow and orange. It is something that you can buy, but I didn't have any, so I made my own. The orange is more red because I didn't do a great job combining colors to make orange.
A close-up of my "mini kisses".
Here is a picture of what the Spring Chick pop is suppose to look like...
Here is a close up of the candy pieces you need (per the book).
Here are the pops on sticks.
It is a lot harder than you think to make cake pops. Well... let me rephrase that. It is a lot harder than you think to decorate cake pops. I couldn't get the melted yellow chocolate to be smooth on the pop. So, I covered a few of the lumpy ones with some of the sprinkles I bought a few weeks ago.
Another view of the lumpiness...
A close-up of the nonpareils.
I used some of the heart sprinkles to make a face.
I didn't have any flower sprinkles to use for the chicks feet, and I wasn't sure how to make something like that. So, I omitted them. I think they are cute!!
The more I covered, the smoother the coatings got.
Overall, they look super cute and are pretty tastey! They are a little sweeter than most adults like, but they are good. They were slightly more difficult to make than I thought they would be. They are VERY time consuming!! I still have about a dozen in my fridge that are waiting for a coating of some sort. I know for next time to allow more time to make these...especially if the design is anything more than a melted chocolate coating with sprinkles. Hopefully you try them!! The possibilities are endless for the designs and combinations for the cake pops. :)
Thanks for reading! :)